[PHYSICS | Week #4] Energy, Matter + Force

Application of E=MC2 to Life An article published in 2016 on Interesting Engineering summarized a clear understanding of Einstein's Theory of Relativity and what they see as a "mathematical solution to an esoteric problem." 😄 Basically, there is no such thing as an "absolute" frame of reference because everything is in relation to something else. I guess that would be applicable to the construction of our identity and understanding of the world. There is a point of reference/root/starting point to everything that shapes who we are. As much as we'd like to think we are individuals with unique identities, even that idea is informed by another person/culture/ideology/etc. Four Forces & Gravity The four "forces" are the fundamental laws of nature and at the core of everything in the universe. This article from Forbes magazine clarified some of my questions about the four forces from our class discussion: 1) strong nuclear force ...