[CHEMISTRY | Week #2] Periodic Tables + Atomic Structures

Are you eating Monsanto weed killer for breakfast?

How scary is it to know that 90% of corn and soybean crops are treated with glyphosate!  I've developed a soy allergy and try my best to steer clear from it. I stopped cooking with corn oil and REALLY try to stop eating corn.  However, it seems virtually impossible to avoid both soy and corn if you are eating out.  In relation to this article, even if you were to avoid soy and corn, neighboring organically certified crops and even animals will still be exposed to pesticides, if not have higher traces of the toxic chemical.

I remember in the 90's when videos surfaced of woking conditions in the farms. There were heart wrenching images of deformed limbs of farmworkers and their children due to exposure of pesticides.  It took labor organizers and the general public decades to put pressure on Congress to tighten restrictions on pesticide use.  Although visibility of the impacts of pesticides isn't as extreme today, I do believe we are dying a slow death because of our unknowing consumption of weed killers.  Even institutions made to protect us in the US are complicit. 

Check out this article by The Atlantic on the EPA's approval of Monsanto's new genetic engineering technology.


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