[PHYSICS | Week #11] Synthesis

My E-Prime Day

I arrived class a little late this day, so was a bit confused with the E-Prime exercise we were doing in class. 😑 After searching Dr. Google, I found this definition: "The term E-Prime (short for English Prime) refers to a dialect that completely removes the verb 'to be' in all its forms from the English language."  I haven't been able to practice the E-Prime exercises from our packet, but I guess they could offer alternative ways to push our thinking and language development.

According to a blog site called Litemind, we commonly use the verb to be quite often and it hinders our critical thinking skills.  They compiled this list of how E-Prime can make you a better thinker: 

1. It exposes opinions disguised as facts
2. It promotes higher accuracy and exposes hidden assumption
3. It reveals the (fallible) observer
4. It avoids premature judging and labeling
5. It brings the role players back
6. It makes language more colorful
7. It stimulates debate
8. It improves creativity
9. It exercises your brain 


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