[PHYSICS | Week #9] Classical Physics
Newton's Three Laws & Me
First Law: Inertia
An example of inertia in my everyday life is the physical effort and FORCE to get out of bed in the morning. 😫 The law of inertia states that an object (me) remains at rest of continues in uniform motion unless it is compelled to change by the action of an external force (my anxiety kicking in that I'll be late to work or school).
Second Law: Force and Acceleration
The relationship between the change in the speed of a moving object (acceleration) and the force acting upon it. This would be my dog Maia, pulling and taking ME for a walk, while I struggle to pull her 14 pound body back by her leash.
Third Law: Action and Reaction
For each force that exists, one of equal magnitude and opposite direction acts against it: action and reaction. I assume this would be me briskly walking from my car to class. Every hurried step forward is met with backward, frictional force from the ground!
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