[BIOCHEMISTRY] TCM & Biochemistry

Biochemistry Final: TCM & Biochemistry As I continue on this journey of becoming a Chinese medicine practitioner, the rhetoric of having to justify and validate the efficacy of our medicine in the West is the norm; regardless of thousands of years of scientific literature produced on TCM in ancient China. Since this is the case, biochemistry within the scope of Western Medicine is our best friend as practitioners. One useful tool is an online database called, "Evidence Based Acupuncture" (EBA). They are a community group of research volunteers that collect literature and scientific data on the health effects of acupuncture. (Although, many of us at ACCHS already know this!). I've included a list below outlining common conditions that Evidence Based Acupuncture has provided research for. According to their studies, there many signaling and biochemical pathways that play a critical role in the clinical effects of acupuncture, in particular a process call...