[BIOLOGY | Week #14] Which Way Forward?

"...buildings of the future might become, living, breathing things" 

I'm encouraged that this may be true! A friend of mine who is traveling in Singapore shared online that it is the greenest country on earth! When I did a little research, Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew envisioned Singapore to be known as "The City in the Garden." This is a cool article I found published by National Geographic explains how Singapore is fulfilling its goals of becoming an eco-friendly country. The image below are "super trees" and considered to be a symbol of Singapore, reflecting their use of green space. Legislatures began the initiative of green building in 2008 and aims to have a 80% environmental performance rating by 2030.

My research topic: TCM + Medicinal Marijuana

I chose to wrote about medicinal marijuana in both Chinese and Western medicine and its use in TCM.  Since its legalization in California, the cannabis industry and research has sky rocketed. In San Francisco, there is a Cannabis Equity Application for individuals who grew up in the city and/or were criminalized for marijuana possession in the past. The application is meant for them to have an equitable opportunity to build a business in the cannabis industry.  I don't know anything about the business aspect or chemical compounds of cannabis. However, am very familiar with the power of its medicine from both a TCM and Western point of view. I thought this would be a great opportunity to do research and learn how to possibly integrate it into my own practice.


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