[CHEMISTRY | Week #6] Avogadro, Molar Mass, Stoichiometry--Hydrogen Fuel Cells

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Use in the Bay Area

For some reason, I had some trouble accessing the link in our packet on the mole, so I decided to post on hydrogen fuel cells.  The idea of using hydrogen fuel as an alternative to fossil fuels sounds promising. I just saw an article published earlier this week that a start-up is launching a hydrogen fuel cell airplane by 2020! The Bay Area seems to be leading the way in how to integrate the use of hydrogen fuel cells in commuter cars, buses and ferries. From my understanding, not all hydrogen fuel extractions are created equal and eco-friendly. The cheapest, most common form of hydrogen extraction still uses fossil fuels at some capacity. With the challenges in creating a solid infrastructure for hydrogen fuel cells for "everyday" folks, I hope more companies (in and outside of the fuel/automotive industry) will invest in research and roll out.


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